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What to Know When Selling Your Company

What to Know When Selling Your Company

Selling a company that was once profitable and successful is a normal part of business. Determining the correct resale value is the most important task, but there are other steps to make for the best sale possible. Every business owner should know exactly how to sell...
How to Prevent Churn in Your Client Base

How to Prevent Churn in Your Client Base

If you’re a business owner, you want to keep your customers around as long as possible. Customer churn refers to the customers that quit using your product or service after a set period of time. Even if you were to increase your customer retention by 5 percent,...
Helpful Tips for New Managers

Helpful Tips for New Managers

Being a manager is one of the most overwhelming positions in an organization. A manager is entrusted with the leadership role and overseeing of other employees. Individuals with several years of experience may adapt faster to the job, but newly promoted managers face...
3 Common Management Issues And How To Address Them

3 Common Management Issues And How To Address Them

A good manager can be worth their weight in gold, but good managers are not generally born, they are developed. This is because good management requires a wide range of skills that most people aren’t born with. Most managers are promoted by performance in a...
Conflict Management Strategies

Conflict Management Strategies

Making small talk with any person whose personality is any shade brighter than a brick wall isn’t difficult. Talking to anybody for a relatively short period of time isn’t challenging, either – even if the behavioral differences between two people...