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How to Prevent Churn in Your Client Base

How to Prevent Churn in Your Client Base

If you’re a business owner, you want to keep your customers around as long as possible. Customer churn refers to the customers that quit using your product or service after a set period of time. Even if you were to increase your customer retention by 5 percent,...
Conflict Management Strategies

Conflict Management Strategies

Making small talk with any person whose personality is any shade brighter than a brick wall isn’t difficult. Talking to anybody for a relatively short period of time isn’t challenging, either – even if the behavioral differences between two people...
What is Quality Management and Why is it Important?

What is Quality Management and Why is it Important?

The Origin of Quality Management Large industrial manufacturing companies segment a part of their business to a department known as QA/QC. Those who work in Quality Assurance/Quality Control, are charged with the duty of maintaining strict standards of quality that...